Saturday, February 12, 2011

The List

  1. Read the whole Bible in a year
  2. Take dance classes
  3. Design and print T-shirts for the homeless ministry
  4. Go a whole month with no fast food
  5. Run a 5k
  6. Run a 10k
  7. Run a half marathon
  8. Run a marathon
  9. Reach and maintain a healthy weight
  10. Purchase the homeless ministry building
  11. Go on a cruise with my mom
  12. Go to a Broadway show
  13. Visit Tyler in Nicaragua
  14. Print and hang pictures for my walls
  15. Stop drinking coke
  16. Start a vegetable garden
  17. Get to know my neighbors
  18. Visit my family in Colorado
  19. Go on a great date
  20. Blog every day for a month
  21. Buy a new dining room set
  22. Participate in 26 things photography challenge
  23. Participate in a 31 pictures in 31 days picture challenge
  24. Have a dinner party once a month
  25. Start more traditions with my kids
  26. Start a guestbook for my house
  27. Swim with dolphins
  28. Swim with Manatees
  29. Swim with whale sharks
  30. Read the top 100 novels of all time
  31. Grow a tree
  32. Go Kayaking
  33. Get my Honduran residency
  34. Go Fire walking
  35. Go zorbing
  36. Go Geo-caching
  37. Go to Disneyworld
  38. Learn to play chess
  39. Build a piece of furniture
  40. Make a scrapbook for each of my kids
  41. Have a window seat
  42. Write a children’s book
  43. Throw someone a surprise party
  44. Get a picture published on Pioneer Woman’s photo blog
  45. Fast for one day a month for a year
  46. Buy fresh flowers at least twice a month
  47. Read a book on homelessness or psychology once a month
  48. Take a cooking class
  49. Teach a cooking class
  50. Take a cake decorating class
  51. Go a month without watching any tv
  52. Hold a Christmas play with the homeless ministry
  53. Walk/run 3 times a week
  54. Watch Casablanca
  55. Learn to whistle loudly
  56. Set up a nursery at the homeless ministry
  57. Begin teaching classes at the homeless ministry
  58. Read all of the books I currently own
  59. Try one new recipe a month
  60. Write a personal letter to someone once a week
  61. Learn to play the guitar
  62. Have a monthly birthday party at the homeless ministry
  63. Hire a preacher for the homeless ministry
  64. Find a dance or gymnastics class for Rosie
  65. See Darwin start college
  66. Teach the dogs some tricks
  67. Make a quilt
  68. Answer every personal email I receive
  69. Cultivate and protect my secret life with God
  70. Go to a concert
  71. Post one video a month to the blog
  72. Have a daily bible study with my kids
  73. Establish another blog to keep track of these goals
  74. Visit Pulhapanzak (A national park and waterfall in Honduras)
  75. Visit Trujillo (many have told me it’s the prettiest part of Honduras)
  76. Obtain a sewing machine
  77. Make an outfit for Rosie
  78. Meet a celebrity
  79. Uphold my commitment to pray for my prayer group every week
  80. Apply for Wheel of Fortune
  81. Find a delicious and cost effective smoothie recipe to share with my family
  82. Have a party for every major holiday
  83. Go on a family vacation once a year
  84. Find a good gift to give my interns when their time is finished
  85. Make a book of prayers by the homeless people
  86. Develop a sponsorship program for our homeless moms
  87. Ride a motorcycle
  88. Find a craft project I enjoy doing
  89. Make that craft as gifts for my friends and family
  90. Get regular dental checkups for both me and my kids
  91. Get Tasha spade
  92. Read Rosie at least 2 books at least 5 days a week
  93. Get a massage every 6 months
  94. I still need 8 more so send me some goals!!

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